Serpent and the Swan
Serpent & the Swan is an ethical and sustainable Australian made fine jewellery label with an artistic approach to creating jewellery; earrings, rings, pendants, necklaces & bracelets.
Every piece is designed, created and produced by us and worked into one-of-a-kind personalised pieces designed to be treasured.
Possessions for those who prefer to be original.
Created by Hayley Smith, who has previously worked as a fashion designer, has created jewellery with a unique edge that draws from her love of Victorian mourning jewellery, animals, art, symbolism and nature. (more)
Serpent and the Swan
AUGUST Personalised Birthstone Ouroboros Ring
Serpent and the Swan
The Ouroboros Snake Ring Silver
Serpent and the Swan
GARNET Personalised Serpent Ear Climber
Serpent and the Swan
The Ouroboros Snake Ring Gold
Serpent and the Swan
The Serpent Ear Climber Gold
Serpent and the Swan
Bleeding Heart Necklace Gold
Serpent and the Swan
Crescent Moon Silver
Serpent and the Swan
Bleeding Heart Ring Solid Gold
Serpent and the Swan
SunMoonSun Medallion Necklace Gold
Serpent and the Swan
OCTOBER Personalised Birthstone Ouroboros Ring