The Diamond Library
As much as we love all things shiny, the environmental cost of traditional diamond mining practices leaves a lot to be desired. Thankfully, The Diamond Library's selection of lab-grown rocks means we no longer have to choose between sustainability and our dream diamond engagement ring. Displaying all the brilliance of a mined diamond, yet none of the conflict (or extortionate pricing!), our designs are crafted by skilled artisans, all of whom have a minimum of 10 to 15 years experience.
I Started the Diamond Library from a need, wanting to propose to my now wife while giving her the diamond she deserves.
The more I searched the more I found myself surrounded by expensive jewelry stores. finding it impossible to find jewelry that was well made and didn't cost a fortune.
So why is diamond jewelry so expensive?
We did some research and found that Jewelry retailers mark up their products at least 10 times to pay for pricey marketing campaigns, premium rent, and middlemen. Expensive diamond mining practices are no longer sustainable digging up vast amounts of land and in turn polluting our earth.
Inspired from our travels around the world we represent a contemporary hybrid style, We wanted to bring to people affordable, simple, high-quality jewelry for daily use. We at the diamond library are proud to bring to market simple jewelry, using high-quality lab-grown diamonds. All at a fair price. So What is a lab-grown diamond?
After countless hours of research, innovative technology now allows us to grow diamonds in a laboratory, by recreating the same natural process in the earth that makes mined diamonds. With less water usage, fewer emissions, no land displacement and no danger to human lives. This means we can safely control the quality, deliver brighter, and shinier diamonds. All at Without the expensive markup.
169 products

''Ramona'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Elizabeth'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Melba'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Riordan'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Burnett'' Band

''Lolita'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Othello'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Louissa'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Sophie'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Emily'' Band

''Anthem'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Gabler'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Nancy'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Fitzgerald'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

'Melville' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Ulysses'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Prodigy'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Jazz'' Band

''Copperfield'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Pevensie'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Narcissa'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Untwine'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Trilogy'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Esperanza'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Elena'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Orwell'' Band

''Huckleberry'' Band

''Sybil'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Americanah'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Naomi'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Kafka'' Band

''Voss'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''McGill'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Jane'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Anna'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Sherlock'' Band

''O’Hara'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Moonglow'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Morrison'' Band

''Vanity Fare'' Lab Grown Diamond Band

''Claudia'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Catelyn'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Mitchell'' Band

''Song of Solomon'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Kerouac'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Flanagan'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Euphoria'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Cleopatra'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Sunwing'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Delacour'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Emma'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''March'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Little Women'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Audrey'' Band

''Frost'' Band

''Stardust'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Shirley'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Moonstone'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Cosmos'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Pride & Prejudice'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Queen of Hearts'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Le Fay'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Isabel'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Puzo'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Romeo'' Band

''Helena'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Cinderella'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Rowling'' Lab Grown Diamond RIng

''Virginia'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Autumn'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Carrie'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Oppel'' Band

''Macbeth'' Band

''Boleyn'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Hamlet'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Jubilee'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Luna'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Hermione'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Wodehouse'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Beatrice'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Claudia'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Golding'' Band

''Hebe'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Eragon'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Claudia'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Peggotty'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Tyrell'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''White Oleander'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

"Tolstoy" Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Claudia'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

'The Great Gatsby' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Sansa'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Hedwig'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Evelina'' Lab Grown Diamond RIng

''E.T. Auburn'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Huxley'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Zelda'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Alice'' Band

''Samwise'' Band

''Haruki'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Annabel'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Higgins'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Inheritance'' Band

''Twilight'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Marilynne'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Heidi'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Donne'' Band

''Austen'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Rosalind'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Portia'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Joyce'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Follett'' Band

''Paradise'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Forsyth'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Daza'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Rebecca'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Gulliver'' Lab Grown Diamond Band

''Aurora'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Kipling'' Band

''E.T. Azure'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Pixie'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Brienne'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Veruca'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Oz'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Tolkein'' Band

''Murphy'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Beverly'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Melisandre'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Delacour'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Taggart'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Oakley'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Plato'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Snow'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Lucinda'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Arwen'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Peggotty'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Adler'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Montana'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Carroll'' Band

''Stella'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Greyjoy'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Neytiri'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Clarissa'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Scott'' Band

''Utopia'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Penelope'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Rostova'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Cymbeline'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Sabrina'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Osborne'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Daisy'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Pompeii'' Lab Grown Diamond Earrings

''Tinsel'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Pratchett'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Pamela'' Lab Grown Diamond RIng

''Zooey'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Crawford'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Weasley'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

''Schafer'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Nostromo'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Gwendolyn'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Twilight'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Clavell'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Leia'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Juliet'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Harriett'' Lab Grown Diamond Bracelet

''Radley'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Eclipse'' Lab Grown Diamond Ring

''Lady Chatterley'' Lab Grown Diamond Pendant