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Sell on Pietra

Tilda Biehn | Pietra


Beacon Earrings ($800.00)

Ruby Comet Ring ($1,650.00)

Comet Hoops ($1,400.00)

Gold Coil Ring ($950.00)

Aurora III Flicker ($350.00)

Unité Rose Cut Ring ($1,250.00)

Ombre Comet Ring ($1,900.00)

Half Shell Ring ($750.00)

Tumble Earrings ($1,150.00)

Comet Drops ($1,620.00)

Nightsky Earrings ($700.00)

Nightsky Necklace ($1,100.00)

Unité Sapphire Ring ($1,250.00)

Floating Comet Necklace ($1,080.00)

Floating Comet Necklace ($1,200.00)

Comet Drops ($1,600.00)

Mini Torque Ring ($1,560.00)

Aurora V Earring ($250.00)

Comet Drops ($1,500.00)

Loop Ring ($1,650.00)

Vision Flip Ring ($1,750.00)

Full Aurora Ring ($600.00)

The Duchess Ring ($1,800.00)

Flip Ring ($2,880.00)

Aurora V X Earring ($500.00)

Aurora Hoops ($2,000.00)

Tilda Biehn
Tilda Biehn fine jewelry was founded in 2014 by designer Andrea Lipsky-Karasz. Known for strong, architectural shapes and impeccable craftsmanship, these elegant, modern designs have led women of all ages to begin their Tilda Biehn collections. Andrea takes inspiration from her creative lineage. The adventurous spirit of her great grandmother Tilda Biehn - a dancer and artist in 19th century Budapest - still resonates through the generations. Tilda’s daughter left Hungary to live in Bolivia, Thailand and Turkey before finally settling in Paris. She became an accomplished jeweler, drawing on the rich jewelry traditions she encountered around the world to inform her own more modernist works. As a child, Andrea played at her grandmother’s jewelry bench, never imagining that she would one day inherit those same tools and use them to create her own designs. After studying to become a writer, Andrea found that the allure of the jewelry bench was too strong. A Brooklyn native, she worked as a jeweler in New York before founding her own line. She takes pride in continuing her family’s tradition by creating works that reflect sculptural traditions from around the world, translated into comfortable and wearable works of art.
26 products
Beacon EarringsBeacon Earrings
Beacon Earrings
Ruby Comet RingRuby Comet Ring
Ruby Comet Ring
Comet HoopsComet Hoops
Comet Hoops
Gold Coil RingGold Coil Ring
Gold Coil Ring
Aurora III FlickerAurora III Flicker
Aurora III Flicker
Unité Rose Cut RingUnité Rose Cut Ring
Unité Rose Cut Ring
Ombre Comet RingOmbre Comet Ring
Ombre Comet Ring
Half Shell RingHalf Shell Ring
Half Shell Ring
Tumble EarringsTumble Earrings
Tumble Earrings
Comet DropsComet Drops
Comet Drops
Nightsky EarringsNightsky Earrings
Nightsky Earrings
Nightsky NecklaceNightsky Necklace
Nightsky Necklace
Unité Sapphire RingUnité Sapphire Ring
Unité Sapphire Ring
Floating Comet NecklaceFloating Comet Necklace
Floating Comet Necklace
Floating Comet NecklaceFloating Comet Necklace
Floating Comet Necklace
Comet DropsComet Drops
Comet Drops
Mini Torque RingMini Torque Ring
Mini Torque Ring
Aurora V EarringAurora V Earring
Aurora V Earring
Comet DropsComet Drops
Comet Drops
Loop RingLoop Ring
Loop Ring
Vision Flip RingVision Flip Ring
Vision Flip Ring
Full Aurora RingFull Aurora Ring
Full Aurora Ring
The Duchess RingThe Duchess Ring
The Duchess Ring
Flip RingFlip Ring
Flip Ring
Aurora V X Earring
Aurora V X Earring
Aurora HoopsAurora Hoops
Aurora Hoops